Wang et al. 2022 examined fossil bird pectorals in µCT

From the Wang et al. abstract:
“Here, the pectoral girdles of the Early Cretaceous birds Sapeornis and Piscivorenantiornis are reconstructed for the first time based on computed tomography and three-dimensional
visualization, revealing key morphological details that are important for our understanding of early-flight evolution. Our study reveals additional lineage-specific variations in pectoral girdle anatomy, as well as significant modification of the pectoral girdle along the line to crown birds.”

In case these birds are not familiar to you,
Sapeornis (Fig 2) nests with Archaeopteryx #11 basal to confusciusornithids in the large reptile tree (LRT, 2084 taxa). Piscivorenantiornis (Fig 3) nests between Sulcavis and Sinornis one clade over from the rest of the Enantiornithes in the LRT.

Figure 1. Figure from Wang et al. 2022. Animation and arrows added here. Note the elongation of the locked down coracoids, raising the shoulders above the midline. Microraptor is convergent with birds.
Figure 1a. Piscivorenantiornis from 1.18.22. Note the locked-down elongate coracoids, indicating a flapping capability.
Figure 2. Piscivorenantiornis from 1.18.22. Note the locked-down elongate coracoids, indicating a flapping capability.

Wang et al focused on the details
and overlooked the basics, the overall bauplan. In basal theropods, as in basal tetrapods, the short, round coracoids slid along the rims of the small sternum (Fig 1 top). In flapping taxa, like Microraptor and Columba (Fig 1) the coracoid stops sliding, is locked down and elongates raising the shoulders above the midline.

Figure 4. Sapeornis specimen STM 15-15 reconstructed from DGS tracing, figure 1 compared to a more robust specimen with larger feet but an identical humerus.
Figure 3. Sapeornis specimen STM 15-15 reconstructed from DGS tracing, figure 1 compared to a more robust specimen with larger feet but an identical humerus. Here the clavicles are shorter with rounder verntral margins, indicating a reduced flapping ability, despite the large wings.

This bauplan is repeated in pre-pterosaurs,
like Cosesaurus using the same elements by convergence.

Figure 1. Cosesaurus flapping - fast. There should be a difference in the two speeds. If not, apologies. Also, there should be some bounce in the tail and neck, but that would involve more effort and physics.
Figure 4. Cosesaurus flapping. Note the locked down elongate coracoids.

This flapping bauplan is also repeated in bats
using a locked down and elongate clavicle instead of a coracoid, missing mammals.

Figure 1. Ptilcercus (above) and Icaronycteris (below), sister taxa in the origin of bats.
Figure 5. Ptilcercus (above) and Icaronycteris (below). Note the ellongate clavicle in the bat, raising the shoulders to the dorsum.

Wang et al. make no mention
of nonvolant flapping. As everyone knows, most tetrapods, including gliding taxa, advance the forelimbs left-right-left-right. Flappers don’t. They flap symmetrically. Thus bipedalism is a precursor configuration required for flapping.

Are bats bipedal?
Yes, they are inverted bipeds, hanging by their toes.

Wang et al. 2022. Digital restoration of the pectoral girdles of two Early Cretaceous birds and implications for early-flight evolution. eLife 2022;0:e76086. DOI: https:// doi. org/ 10. 7554/ eLife. 76086.

More gibbon traits: Decide if these seem human-like.

the large reptile tree (LRT, 2084 taxa, subset Fig 1) heretically nested the gracile bipedal gibbon (Hylobates, Fig 2–8) and similar gracile bipedal hominoids/hominids (Ardipithecus, Oreopithecus, Fig 2) basal to humans.

Figure 1. Subset of the LRT focusing on Primates.

This LRT phylogeny runs contra
to iconic textbook human cladograms that include Australopithecus (Fig 2) and omit Hylobates and kin. In the LRT ‘Lucy’ nests (Fig 1) among the great apes between orangutans (Pongo) and chimps (Pan) + gorillas (Gorilla, Fig 3).

I’m trying to falsify this hypothesis, reaching out to the Anthropology Dept at Washington University. I’ll let you know how that goes if a meeting happens. I don’t care where the falsification comes from. Send data if you have some insight that includes gibbons AND australopithecines. Good luck on that. I’ve looked without much to show for that search.

Figure 2. The gibbon lineage leading to humans in the LRT. Australopithecus is added for comparison. The brown/black bones are restored, including the unknown feet.

Today let’s cherry pick several additional traits,
both morphological and behavioral, that link gibbons to humans exclusive of the other, more robust apes (Fig 3). I’ll bring in some published experts, Ankel-Simons 2007 and Fleagle 2013.

Figure 3. Ape (hominoid) skeletons to scale. Gibbons, other than their arms, have human-like proportions and a similar upright bipedal stance. Note the relatively large braincase relative to the small mandible and small face in the gibbon and human.

Ankel-Simons 2007 wrote:
“At first glance, one can see that the facial part of the skull of the lesser apes [= gibbons] is comparatively small, and the overall shape of the skull is dominated by the large braincase.

See figure 4. Also notable is the presence of eyebrows, lacking in chimps.

Figure 4. Homo longi (aka ‘dragon man’) shown with the distored face of Hylobates applied. Those are eye brows, absent in chimps, surmounting the ridges. Note the relatively flat face, protruding in chimps. Note the wide set eyes, wider than the lips, not wider in chimps.

Ankel-Simons 2007 continued:
“In addition, the orbital openings of both the lesser and great apes are comparatively large and typically larger than in Old World monkeys. In species of both Hylobates and Symphalangus [= gibbons], the supraorbital tori, also known as brow ridges, that are so characteristic of great apes are not expressed.”

“The mandible is comparatively slender and shallow in lesser apes [= gibbons], and the ascending branches or rami of those mandibles do not rise very high.

See figure 6 for skull comparisons of Homo sapiens, Homo erectus and Hylobates. If this is indeed a phylogenetic series the skull gets longer with H erectus and taller with H sapiens.

Figure 5. Two gibbons, one running, one walking bipedally. Two color phases, one blonde, the other gray. A third color, black, is also common.

Fleagle 2013 wrote:
“The gibbons, from Southeast Asia are the smallest, the most specifically diverse, and the most numerically successful of living apes [except humans]. The numerous gibbon species are relatively uniform in morphology. All are relatively small (5–11 kg), with no sexual size dimorphism.

They have simple molar teeth characterized by low, rounded cusps and broad basins. Their incisors are relatively short, but broad.

The canines are longer in gibbons, shorter in Ardipithecus, Oreopithecus and Homo. Terrestrial humans have a gender size dimorphism, distinct from arboreal Hylobates.

Figure 6. Skulls of Hylobates, Ardipithecus, Homo florensis, Homo erectus and Homo sapiens to a common brow to tooth row scale. The skull becomes longer in Homo erectus, taller with Homo sapiens.
Figure 6a. The ape line of primates here including ‘Homo’ naledi and Australopithecus, two bipedal chimps, convergent with the gibbon-human line.

Fleagle 2013 continued:
“Gibbons have short snouts and shallow faces, large orbits with protruding rims, and a wide interorbital distance. Their braincase is globular and has no nuchal cresting. Only occasionally do they develop a sagittal crest. The mandible is shallow and has a broad ascending ramus.

Gibbons are outstanding among living primates in their limb proportions. They have the longest forelimbs relative to body size of any living primates, and they also have very long legs. They have long, curved, slender digits on their hands and feet as well as a long muscular pollex and hallux.

“Gibbons are the only apes that consistently have ischial callosities [they sit on tree limbs], and females also show small sexual swellings that change shape and color during the estrous cycle. [Other primates display much larger sexual swellings. Humans reduce this to zero]. They use a wide variety of both seated and suspensory feeding postures”.

Figure 7 Female gibbon callosities and minimal sexual swelling. This is distinct from quadrupedal chimps and monkeys, more like bipedal humans. Humans lost callosities when they stopped sitting on tree branches high in the canopy.

Fleagle 2013 continued:
“Gibbons specialize on a diet of ripe fruit, part of which is found in small, widely scattered clumps throughout the forest and part of which occurs in large bonanzas, such as many figs. Gibbon species also eat varying amounts of new leaves and invertebrates, such as termites and arachnids.

Humans are omnivores and cook food for faster digestion.

“Most gibbons live in small groups composed of one male, one female, and up to four dependent offspring.

As do humans.

However, some populations may have more than one individual of either sex. Larger groups are particularly common in some siamang populations on Sumatra. In addition, extra-pair matings have been reported for many gibbon populations.

As do humans.

Numerous hypotheses have been put forth to explain pair-bonding in gibbons, including paternal care, mate-guarding, resource defense, and infanticide defense.

Pair bonding is distinct from bonobos and chimps, similar to humans.

Figure 8. Gibbon mother behind bars. Note the gracile build and long legs, as in humans. Note the relatively small ear, lower than the skull, much larger in chimps, smaller in gorillas

Fleagle 2013 continued:
“Gibbons have single births every four or five years, with considerable individual variance in female reproductive success. Siamang males carry their offspring during its second year of life. In other species, male investment is not so extensive.

As do humans.

Young gibbons spend up to 10 years in their family group before leaving, usually after harassment by their same-sex parent. There is some evidence that gibbons may have a very long lifespan for their size. For example, one H. muelleri lived for 60 years in captivity.

As do humans.

“All gibbons are fiercely territorial and defend their core areas with daily calling bouts and occasional intergroup conflict. Apart from vocal duetting, social interactions within a gibbon group are usually limited and consist primarily of occasional grooming bouts”.

As do humans. Is this where singing and music had its genesis

Miller 2010 reports,
“In friendly greetings, corners of mouth are drawn back, revealing teeth, and tongue is sometimes protruding. In anger, mouth is opened and closed repeatedly, smacking lips and snapping teeth together. Snarling is interpreted as an intention of biting.” Sexual maturity: 9 years for female, 6.5 years for male. “The White-Handed Gibbons in particular are fussy eaters and prefer fruit over anything else, especially fruits high in sugar such as figs. Gibbons are omnivores which eat both plants and animals. Gibbons drink water, often by dipping a hand into the water or rubbing a hand on wet leaves, and then slurping up the water from their fur. They drink by licking their own fur after it has been wet”

“In the wild, White-handed Gibbons spend about 35% of their day actively foraging for food, 24% in non-foraging activities (travel, play, sentry, aggression, mating, grooming or vocalizing) and 41% being inactive”

“Inter-group interactions can be quite violent, and there is evidence that wounds incurred in territorial aggression have resulted in the death of combatants”

“White-Handed Gibbons can be kept on islands as they cannot swim and are afraid of the water. They can go down and drink water from the edge or lean over and use the water as a toilet.”

“Abnormal behaviour patterns include: excessive grooming; hair pulling; repetitive pacing, running, jumping or rocking; social withdrawal; and self mutilation. White-Handed Gibbons are a Lesser Ape and therefore very intelligent and will become bored easily and destructive if no enrichment or stimulation is provided. White-Handed Gibbons can destroy enclosure furnishings and vegetation if bored.”

“A social species that must be housed with at least one other individual.”

“The gestation period for a White-Handed Gibbon is 7 months approximately or 205 days. The oestrus cycle length is 27 days .One infant litter size. Twins are rare. Weaning occurs by age 2. Young remain with the family until sexual maturity. Nearly naked at birth. Able to vocalize soon after birth. Infants cling to mothers ventrum (stomach). Infants ingest solids at 4 months of age. Brachiation at 9 months.”

YouTube video featuring gibbons singing

Now let’s talk about Homo naledi
(~300,000 years ago, Fig 9) from South Africa, described by Berger et al. 2015 as tall, skinny, pin-headed, with gibbon-like shoulders, a primitive pelvis and fully human hands and feet at the ends of long, skinny legs. The teeth are flat, as in humans. The face is angled and dished, as in apes. Homo naledi was a cave dweller and not associated with stone tools, despite a late appearance in the fossil record coeval with larger brained hominids. Berger indicates Homo naledi was likely around for 2-3 mya prior to its late appearance in the cave.

Homo naledi needs a new generic name.
It is closer to Australopithecus than to the lineage of Homo. It is bipedal by convergence with Homo, by homology with Australopithecus. Don’t assume that Australopithecus was basal to humans just because it was bipedal and shared several traits. These were by convergence and have persisted due to taxon exclusion of the gibbon lineage.

Figure 9. Updated with the addition of Homo floresiensis and Ausralopithecus (Homo) naledi.

According to Wikipedia,
“H. naledi anatomy indicates that, though they were capable of long distance travel with a humanlike stride and gait, they were more arboreal than other Homo, better adapted to climbing and suspensory behaviour in trees than endurance running. Tooth anatomy suggests consumption of gritty foods covered in particulates such as dust or dirt.”

The foot of Homo naledi
(Fig 10) is often considered quite human-like, but is it? Distal tarsal #1 is missing and it seems to be key to the abduction/adduction of the pollex (= digit 1).

50-minute YouTube video from 2020 featuring Lee Berger talking about his Homo naledi discoveries. “It had almost gibbon-like shoulders.” “What is Homo naledi? We have no idea.”

Still wondering why gibbons and their bipedal kin
have been traditionally omitted from human ancestor studies and cladograms. Let me know of any citations that include them. Gibbon omission needs to be repaired. Gibbons and their bipedal, gracile kin are competing candidates. Let’s figure this problem out together.

YouTube video featureing Steven Churchill also wondering if Australopithecus sediba and Homo naledi are convergent with the Homo lineage. Click to play.

Ankel-Simons F 2007. Primate Anatomy (Third Edition).
Berger LR et al. 2015. Homo naledi, a new species of the genus Homo from the Dinaledi Chamber, South Africa. eLife. 4. doi:10.7554/eLife.09560.
Fleagle JG 2013. Primate Adaptation and Evolution (Third Edition).
Miller S 2010. Husbandry manual for White-handed gibbon Hylobates lar (Mammalia – Hylobatidae) Western Sydney Institute of TAFE, Richmond Course Name and Number: Certificate III Captive Animals – 1068 Lecturer: Graeme Phipps


The search for a rhynchocephalian taxon list: Tradition vs evidence

Just so you know…
even paleo PhDs can’t come to an agreement on their rhynchocephalian taxon list (Figs 1, 3–5). Some taxa make all the lists. Others don’t. Some taxa only appear in the LRT. The problem runs no deeper than tradition, cherry-picking and taxon exclusion. A solution is offered.

Chambi-Trowell et al. 2021 report,
Rhynchocephalians are a group of lizard-like diapsid reptiles that were very diverse during the Mesozoic but are now restricted to a single extant genus in New Zealand.

Sadly even the top paleontologists have not yet added enough taxa to their analyses to realize what the large reptile tree (LRT, 2084 taxa, subset Fig 1) revealed in 2011. The traditional clade Diapsida is diphyletic. Two unrelated clades developed this skull morphology by convergence. In the LRT the term ‘Diapsida’ is restricted to the archosauromorph diapsids (Petrolacosaurus and kin). By convergence lepidosauromorph diapsid-grade taxa, including rhynchocephalians, nest in the LRT in the clade Lepidosauria. The addition of basal reptile and pre-reptile taxa in the LRT recovers this basal split in the Reptilia if you want to check, these results.

Figure 1. Subset of the LRT focusing on Rhynchocephalia and outgroup taxa. Compare to other recent studies (Figures 3–5) where taxon exclusion and cherry-picking have led to phylogenetic chaos and underestimating the taxon list.
Figure 2. Micromenodon skull from Chambi-Trowell et al. 2021. Colors added here. This image is offered as a typical rhynchocephalian for readers unfamiliar with this clade.

Chambi-Trowell et al. 2021 continue,
Recent cladistic analyses have revealed two major clades, Eusphenodontia and the more crownward Neosphenodontia, but relationships of individual taxa have remained difficult to determine because of missing data and an unrevised data matrix. Here we drastically revise the established data matrix on rhynchocephalians by reassessing, evaluating, and adding new characters and operational taxonomic units, differing from any previous analyses in our goal to consider all known rhynchocephalians.

Lofty goal, but the LRT includes trilophosaurs, rhynchosaurs and kin in this monophyletic clade. So the stated goal of Chambi-Trowell et al., ‘to consider all known rhynchocephalians’ falls short due to taxon exclusion based on tradition. You can tell that the authors (including textbook writer MJ Benton) are cherry-picking taxa because their outgroups include two random squamates, neither a basal taxon, one a derived gekko.

Lesson: Always let your software tell you which taxa are outgroup and ingroup taxa from a wide gamut of candidates. Don’t follow tradition. Tradition might not be correct.

Figure 3. Rhynchocephalia cladogram from Chambi-Trowell et al. 2021. This cladogram differs from the others both in topology and taxon list. Short-bodied and large-limbed Vadasaurus is not a pleurosaur ancestor. See link below.
Figure 4. Cladogram from Sues and Schoch 2021 focusing on Rhynchocephalia. Colors added here. This cladogram differs from the others both in topology and taxon list.

Sues and Shoch 2021 also provide a rhynchocephalian cladogram
“A new taxon of sphenodontian reptile, Micromenodon pitti new genus new species is described from the Upper Triassic (Carnian) Vinita Formation of the Richmond basin of the Newark Supergroup in Virginia. Phylogenetic analysis found Micromenodon pitti n. gen. n. sp. as an early-diverging sphenodontian with fully acrodont tooth implantation.

This specimen is based solely on a maxilla. The Sues and Schoch cladogram differs from the others both in topology and taxon list.

Figure 5. Rhynchocepahalian cladogram from Simoes, Caldwell and Pierce 2020. This cladogram differs from the others both in topology and taxon list.

But wait there’s more.
Simoes, Caldwell and Pierce 2020 also produced a cladogram of rhynchocephalians (Fig 5) that differs from the others (Figs 1, 3, 4).

Only the LRT
determined its rhynchocephalian taxon list by testing all competing candidate taxa and letting the software determine clade members. Other workers, many with PhDs, used tradition and cherry-picking rather than testing. In the LRT traditional outgroups, like trilophosaurus, azendohsaurs and rhynchosaurs, nest in the Rhynchocephalia. In the LRT traditional ingroups, like Homoeosaurus, nest in the Squamata. The differences seen in academic studies (above) are resolved by the wider gamut LRT (Fig 1) in full resolution.

Workers. Stop making traditional mistakes.
Build your own wide gamut LRT so you won’t keep making the same taxonomic errors over and over with the approval of professors. editors, referees and textbooks. Academic consensus is failing here and elsewhere. Rely only on evidence. Sure you have an urge and a calling to focus microscopically, to be a specialist, an expert, but sometimes you have to step back and get a panoramic view, like the rest of us. Build your own wide gamut LRT to get that panoramic view.

Chambi-Trowell S et al. (9 co-authors) 2021. The diversity of Triassic South American sphenodontians: a new basal form, clevosaurs, and a revision of rhynchocephalian phylogeny. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 19(1):1–34.
Sues H-D and Schoch RR 2021. A new early-diverging sphenodontian (Lepidosauria, Rhynchocephalia) from the Upper Triassic of Virginia, U.S.A. Journal of Paleontology , 95(2):344–350. online.
Simoes TR, Caldwell MW and Pierce SE 2020. Sphenodontian phylogeny and the impact of model choice in Bayesian morphological clock estimates of divergence times and evolutionary rates. BMC Biology 18(191):1–30.


You heard it here first: Faxinalipterus was not a Triassic pterosaur

Kellner et al. 2022 reassess a taxon known
from only a few scattered bones, Faxinalipterus (Bonaparte 2010) originally described as a basal pterosaur. Some bones were more extensively exposed for this study. Others were µCT scanned for the first time. Kellner et al no longer consider Faxinalipterus a pterosaur (contra Bonaparte 2010). Readers heard that here first online in 2013, about nine years ago.

Faxinalipterus matched to Scleromochlus. The former is more primitive, like Gracilisuchus, in having shorter hind limbs and more robust fore limbs. The maxilla with fenestra and fossa, plus the teeth, are a good match.
Figure 1. Faxinalipterus matched to Scleromochlus in 2013. The former is more primitive, like Gracilisuchus, in having shorter hind limbs and more robust fore limbs. The maxilla with fenestra and fossa, plus the teeth, are a good match. In 2022 Faxinalipterus was split into two genera.

Back in 2013, with too few bones for testing in the LRT,
Faxinalipterus was matched to the basal bipedal crocodylomorph, Scleromochlus (Fig 1), a taxon omitted from both papers (Bonaparte 2010, Kellner et al. 2022). Virtually every aspect of Faxinalipterus seems to be a good match, including chronological age and overall size. Faxinalipterus is more primitive in having shorter hind limbs and more robust front limbs, as in the Scleromochlus relative, Gracilisuchus (Fig 1 upper right).

The biggest problem with Faxinalipterus studies continues to be taxon exclusion.
Kellner et al. follow other authors in excluding Scleromochlus (Fig. 1) and bipedal basal crocodylomorphs from their analyses. The authors also omit bipedal members of the Fenestrasauria (Peters 2000), Langobardisaurus, Cosesaurus, Sharovipteryx and Longisquama. These taxa are known from complete skeletons and they nest with pterosaurs in several analysis (Peters 2000). These, in turn, nest with lepidosaurs (Peters 2007, LRT), far from archosaurs. With these determined taxonomic exclusions Kellner et al. 2022 ignominiously enters the professionally embarrassing timeline of pterosaur origin studies.

Kellner et al. discuss a humerus and scapulocoracoid
(MCZ 10152) McCabe and Nesbitt 2021 assigned to Lagerpeton. Earlier the possibility of a connection with Procompsognathus (Fig 2) was considered. It’s an excellent match. Even so, always beware of chimaeras. Previous authors omitted Procompsognathus from their studies.

Figure 4. Procompsognathus has proportions that precisely fit the MCZ 101542 material.
Figure 2. Procompsognathus had proportions that precisely fit the MCZ 101542 material shown here as a color photo.

From the Kellner et al. abstract:
“Our interpretations on the identity of several bones differ from those of the original description, and we found no support favoring pterosaur affinities for the taxon.

Confirmation of the 2013 hypothesis. Good to hear.

The maxilla previously referred to Faxinalipterus minimus is disassociated from this taxon and referred to a new putative pterosauromorph described here from a partial skull and fragmentary postcranial elements. Maehary bonapartei gen. et sp. nov. comes from the same fossiliferous site that yielded Faxinalipterus minimus, but the lack of overlapping bones hampers comparisons between the two taxa.

At times like this, a third, more complete taxon, with parts that overlap both enigma taxa, can resolve such issues. Unfortunately, Kellner et al. 2022 omitted a suitable third taxon, Scleromochlus (Fig 1) despite this solution appearing online for the last 9 years.

As longtime readers realize, and the pterosaur origin timeline documents, this is how pterosaur workers operate. They omit without testing and thereby keep their blinders on. Each one seeks their own hopeful headlines while ignoring competing citations.

Our phylogenetic analysis places Faxinalipterus minimus within Lagerpetidae and Maehary bonapartei gen. et sp. nov. as the earliest-diverging member of Pterosauromorpha.”

Their phylogenetic analysis cherry-picks taxa and omits actual pterosaur ancestors, which Peters 2000 labeled Fenestrasauria. ‘Pterosauromorpha’ is a junior synonym for Reptilia in the LRT which tests all competing candidates. Faxinalipterus is related to the crocodylomorph archosaur, Scleromochlus, not to the pterosaur lepidosaurs.

Figure 3. Skull elements from Faxinalipterus transferred to Maehary by Kellner et al. 2022. The authors did not realize the palate bone was a taphonomically jumbled collection (bottom grayscale image) here digiitally segregated (middle colored image). Compare this reconstructed palate to the one in Scleromochlus.

Have you noticed the emerging geographic patterns
in pterosaur origin studies? The English prefer their own Scleromochlus to the exclusion of lagerpetids. South Americans prefer their own lagerpetids to the exclusion of Scleromochlus.

Colleagues. please stop wasting your time
trying to re-discover the ancestry of pterosaurs by cobbling together bits and pieces of unrelated taxa. Please stop omitting the complete skeletons that have already been shown to be ancestral to pterosaurs (Peters 2000) just because you can, and your editor David Hone, will let you. Please stop hoping/pretending that Lagerpeton and kin are close to pterosaurs and dinosaurs. Adding taxa moves Lagerpeton close to the proterochampsid Tropidosuchus (Novas and Agnolin 2016) as confirmed by South American workers here.

Every one of these silly attempts at finding pterosaur ancestors
where you want them, instead of where they are, just makes the paleo profession look less scientific and more desperate for attention while maintaining a smokescreen of elitism. No matter how you feel about ‘the messenger’ don’t omit the taxa. Go study them. They exist.

Bonaparte JF, Schultz CL and Soares MB 2010. Pterosauria from the Late Triassic of southern Brazil. In S. Bandyopadhyay (ed.), New Aspects of Mesozoic Biodiversity, Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences 132:63-71.
Kellner AWA, Holgado B, Grillo O, Pretto FA, Kerber L, Pinheiro FL, Soares MB, Schultz CL, Lopes RT, Araújo O, Müller RT 2022. Reassessment of Faxinalipterus minimus, a purported Triassic pterosaur from southern Brazil with the description of a
new taxon. PeerJ 10:e13276
McCabe MB and Nesbitt SJ 2021. The first pectoral and forelimb material assigned to the lagerpetid Lagerpeton chanarensis (Archosauria: Dinosauromorpha) from the upper portion of the Chañares Formation, Late Triassic. Palaeodiversity, 14(1) : 121-131.
Novas FE and Agnolin FL 2016 Lagerpeton chanarensis Romer (Archosauriformes): A derived proterochampsian from the middle Triassic of NW Argentina. Simposio. From Eventos del Mesozoico temprano en la evolución de los dinosaurios”. Programa VCLAPV. Conferencia plenaria: Hidrodinámica y modo de vida de los primeros vertebrados. Héctor Botella (Universitat de València, España) 2016
Peters D 2000b. A Redescription of Four Prolacertiform Genera and Implications for Pterosaur Phylogenesis. Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia 106 (3): 293–336.
Peters D 2007. The origin and radiation of the Pterosauria. In D. Hone ed. Flugsaurier. The Wellnhofer pterosaur meeting, 2007, Munich, Germany p 27.


Dr. Polly wonders, is this the “Ancestor of crocodiles and dinosaurs?”

The Royal Tyrrell Museum Speaker Series
recently featured Dr. P David Polly of Indiana University (video link below). He reported on the history and current status of the Circle Cliffs and Grand Staircase-Escalante national monuments in Utah. This is a very interesting and informative talk, well worth seeing.

Royal Tyrrell Museum Speaker Series on YouTube. Click to play. Approximately 1 hour 10 minutes in length.

One image from Dr. Polly’s online video talk caught my eye.
But what really grabbed my attention was the headline Dr. Polly gave to the image: “Ancestor of crocodiles and dinosaurs?” (Fig 1). Polly reported this specimen was ‘under study’.

I shouldn’t have to say this,
but discoveries like this should not be shown in public prior to publication. Publication online constitutes a form of publication.

All that aside,
let’s focus on Dr. Polly’s headline (Fig 1). He’s teasing the idea of linking crocs to dinos.

Figure 1. Image from Royal Tyrrell Museum Speaker Series featuring P David Polly. He reports this skull was found in the Staircase-Escalante region of Utah and is ‘under study’. Yellow highlight box added here.

only the large reptile tree (LRT, 2084 taxa) recovers a topology in which crocodiles and dinosaurs had a last common ancestor: the basalmost archosaur PVL 4597 (Figs 2, 3).

other studies cherry-pick and exclude taxa in order to vaguely, untenably and with prejudice nest pterosaurs, lagerpetids and/or ‘dinosauromorphs‘ close to the base of dinosaurs. The omission of most to all of the basal bipedal crocodylomorphs (Figs 2, 3) has been part of that widespread, traditional, cherry-picking process.

Given that backstory,
now you know why Dr. Polly’s headline (Fig 1) came as an unexpected surprise. It indicates that finally, at least some workers are wondering about or recovering the hypothesis of croc + dino interrelationships (Figs 2, 3) first advanced here ten+ years ago and cemented since then with more and more pertinent taxa.

Did the LRT help? Or was this convergence? It doesn’t matter.

Figure 2. Subset of the LRT focusing on the base of the Archosauria. That’s where we find the last common ancestor of crocodiles dinosaurs in the LRT that Dr. Polly’s caption in figure 1 wonders about.

I ran the data on Dr. Polly’s photo and am able to answer Dr. Polly’s question,
but since the specimen is ‘under study’, let’s put a pin in that. Meanwhile, here (Figs 2, 3) are some old PterosaurHeresies images that detail and illustrate the topology of the basal archosaur subset of the LRT in which crocs and dinos have nested as sister clades virtually from the beginning.

Figure 1. The origin of dinosaurs in the LRT to scale. Gray arrows show the direction of evolution. This image includes Decuriasuchus, Turfanosuchus, Gracilisuchus, Lewisuchus, Pseudhesperosuchus, Trialestes, Herrerasaurus, Tawa and Eoraptor.  Note the phylogenetic miniaturization at the origin of Archosauria (Crocs + Dinos).
Figure 3. The origin of dinosaurs and crocodiles in the LRT to scale. Gray arrows show the direction of evolution. This image includes Decuriasuchus, Turfanosuchus, Gracilisuchus, Lewisuchus, Pseudhesperosuchus, Trialestes, Herrerasaurus, Tawa and Eoraptor.  Note the phylogenetic miniaturization at the origin of the clade Archosauria (Crocs + Dinos).

If and when any paper comes out
that links crocodiles to dinosaurs, remember then, you heard it here first.

Get back to this spot when that paper is published.

Separated by the Atlantic Ocean: the marabou joins the identical jabiru in the LRT

These two storks (or stork-like kingfishers)
(Figs 1, 2) are identical, but geographical separated cousins with inflatable necks. The South American jabiru (Jabiru mycteria, Lichtenstein 1819) has been described as ‘the largest and most striking of the American storks.’

Figure 3. Skeleton and in vivo views of Jabiru.
Figure 1. Skeleton and in vivo views of Jabiru.

By contrast, the skeletally identical
African marabou (Fig 2, Leptoptilos crumenifer, Lesson 1831), was described by the same author as amongst the most hideous birds in the world’, ‘ungainly’ and ‘grotesque’.

Figure 2. Skeleton and living marabou ‘stork’ Leptoptilos.

These two taxa would have been congeneric
if found in the fossil record. Geography has separated these two over a hundred million years ago, coeval with many famous dinosaurs, then terror birds and finally primitive peoples.

Figure 3. Skull of Jabiru. Compare to Leptoptilos in figure 4.
Figure 4. Skull of Leptoptilos. Compare to Jabiru in figure 3.

These two nearly congeneric birds
now living on opposite sides of the Atlantic Ocean add evidence to a common origin in the Early Cretaceous. That hypothesis was first explored here with similarly split hornbills and toucans (Fig 5).

Figure 4. South America and Africa during the Albian, 100 mya. This is when toucans and hornbills must have separated.
Figure 5. South America and Africa during the Albian, 100 mya. This is when toucans and hornbills must have separated.

With basalmost crown birds appearing in the Early Cretaceous
and derived birds, like the marabou, jabiru, hornbill and toucan radiating before the Atlantic had become an ocean, and penguins appearing in the Paleocene, more and more birds, maybe most of them, seem to have had their genesis and radiation in the Cretaceous.

Figure 6. Subset of the LRT focusing on marabous and their relatives. Here long-legged stork-like taxa appear to be derived. Terns and kingfishers are basal taxa. Sea gulls and plovers are outgroup taxa.

As predicted yesterday
additions to the LRT are going to start looking more and more like current members. The geographic separation of these two sisters (Figs 1, 2) is the real story here. As this example demonstrates, sometimes the key part of the story is not always found in the skeleton.

Lesson R 1831. Traité d’Ornithologie
Lichtenstein H 1819. Archives of Natural History, Volume 35(1):88-99.
Linnaeus C 1758. Systema naturæ per regna tria naturæ, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Tomus I. Editio decima, reformata.

wiki/Marabou_stork Taking the foot off the accelerator

The number of taxa currently present
in the large reptile tree (LRT, 2082 taxa), large pterosaur tree (LPT, 261 taxa) and therapsid skull tree (TST, 78 taxa) are at levels in which phylogenetic gaps have faded. That means all taxa nesting close to one another are strongly similar in morphology, size, niche and diet. That indicates these three cladograms strongly model actual evolutionary events. That also predicts discoveries to come will likely resemble currently tested taxa. Exceptions are always welcome.

That also means
the three tree topologies have all reached numbers in which their curves are leveling off, reaching their plateau.

Plateau definition: a part of a graph in which the value of the ordinate shows little or no change with increasing value of the abscissa. Alternately: a period of (relative) stability in the course of a progression.

This growing online project started in earnest 12 year ago
Adding taxa weekly and making corrections (=’housekeeping‘) transparently is what made this project unique.

The LRT, LPT and TST are not and will never be perfectly scored.
The data came from too many sources. Some data will always remain incomplete, lost during taphonomy. Even so, these three cladograms are each large enough to test smaller more focused studies for taxon exclusion. Even so, corrections will continue as long as mistakes and omissions appear. If you see any, let me know.

Looking to the future
Suggestions for new taxa are always welcome, but here the search for new taxa has slowed to a crawl. We knew this day would eventually arrive. It’s been a great run punctuated by novel hypotheses seemingly appearing weekly. As others announce new taxa and new interrelationships some will be added to the cladograms. Others will be reported and checked for problems, as usual. In any case, the pace will slow. The puzzle is more or less complete.

These five problems continue to plague paleontology:
Number one: taxon exclusion.
Number two: borrowing untested cladograms.
Number three: trusting genomic results.
Number four: trusting textbooks and academic traditions.
Number five: freehand reconstructions.
Solution: Keep adding taxa to your own trait-based cladogram. Trace specimens with transparent colors and from those tracings create more accurate and verifiable reconstructions.

Figure 1. From the Beginning - The Story of Human Evolution was published by Little Brown in 1991 and is now available as a FREE online PDF from
Figure 1. From the Beginning – The Story of Human Evolution (Little Brown 1991) available as a FREE online PDF at

This decade-long project
has answered nearly all of my questions
on a topic first explored in a 1991 book ‘From the Beginning, the story of human evolution’ (Fig 1). At that time cynodont evolution was being detailed by Jim Hopson and colleagues. At that time the near tetrapod, Panderichthys, was news.

At that time no one had any idea
that whales, turtles and even diapsids were diphyletic. That pterosaurs arose from cosesaurs and were bipedal lepidosaurs. That the first amniotes were amphibian-like gephyrostegids. That only crocodylomorphs and dinosaurs were archorsaurs. That sharks arose from sturgeons. That bony fish arose from hybodontid sharks. That at least ten of the 13 Solnhofen birds were different enough to nest apart from one another. That bats have living ancestors. Etc. etc.

At that time only a few intrepid workers
were experimenting with the onerous drudgery of using software and digital matrices in an attempt at keeping phylogenetic tradition and bias to a minimum. But there was a hack for that.

Unfortunately, many paleo myths persist.
So the work is not over. But the work can coast now, at least until the next issues arise.

Thank you for your readership,
even if you held on waiting for a big fail.

Thank you for your readership,
even when you knew you had to do it secretly so your colleagues wouldn’t find out.

Thank you for your readership
especially when you saw through the errors presented here and out there.

Most of us have matured and learned over the past decade.
For some, the whining continues. For others, the testing and experimenting continues. For the last decade the LRT carried the wide gamut cladogram baton. For the next few decades brilliant younger workers are needed to carry that same baton. Specialists will always be produced by universities. Occasionally a generalist is needed to resolve broader issues.

I hope others will replicate this online experiment
for refutation, confirmation or that gray area, correction, so it won’t be unique. I hope someone is already assembling their matrix. If not, see what you can do to encourage someone or a group of someones who love vertebrate evolution to produce a competing candidate cladogram based on traits (not genes). Otherwise this hypothesis of interrelationships will forever remain a singular untested hypothesis. Taxon exclusion will rule.

This is your invitation
to take your favorite science, vertebrate paleontology, to the next level.

Thank you for your readership.

Remembering Hal Levin, Washington University

Just wanted to take a moment to remember
Dr. Hal Levin, professor emeritus, Earth and Planetary Sciences, Washington University, St. Louis, USA. He entered our profession in 1961, became department chair in 1973 and died in 2019 at age 90. He was the author and often illustrator for eleven editions of his geology textbook, “The Earth Through Time.”

Fig 1. Hal Levin, Wash U professor and author

From Levin’s obituary:
“Throughout his life, Levin was committed to unraveling the Earth’s secrets by examining microscopic ancient invertebrates from the Earth’s sedimentary layers to predict future changes and to expose the deleterious effects of climate change.

In other words, Levin studied forams.

“Levin joined the Washington University faculty in 1961. He taught and conducted research while concurrently serving as the coordinator of preprofessional studies in Arts & Sciences.

“He was chair of the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences from 1973-76. A prolific author, Levin wrote and illustrated numerous textbooks and laboratory studies in geology and paleontology, including 11 editions of the popular geology textbook “The Earth Through Time.”

Back in the day
when I was illustrating books like ‘Giants‘ …and back when you could just walk into university libraries and offices without a digital ID and a face mask, Dr. Levin invited me to illustrate the cover for the fifth edition of his university-level textbook on geology, ‘The Earth Through Time’ (Fig 2). I was just getting started in paleontology back then. He was just getting ready for retirement.

Figure 2. ‘The Earth Through Time’ the fifth of eleven editions, by Harold (Hal)( Levin, WashU. Cover illustration by David Peters.

Wash U is not famous for fossils,
but has several impressive legacy specimens from the old Gustav Hambach collection. Habach was a German immigrant who became head of the geology dept in 1887. Since then Wash U has been more into geology, both here on Earth and on Mars, with forays into human origins during the heyday of David Tab Rasmussen and Glenn C Conroy.

Figure 3. Ichthyosaur from the Hambach collection, Washington U, St Louis, USA.

Hal Levin was always kind and accommodating,
perhaps because there have never been more than a few paleo professionals and enthusiasts in St. Louis. Somehow we all find our mentors.


A new Lauer collection specimen enters the LPT: A perfect Pterodactylus

This new Pterodactylus specimen
(Figs 1, 2, LF 101, 8cm skull length) came to my attention from a 2020 online Houston Museum of Natural History story featuring photographer Mike Ecklund. He sometimes uses ultraviolet (UV) light frequencies in an attempt to tease out more data.

Figure 1. Pterodactylus 2 from the Lauer collection, flipped left to right. 1. As originally published on the HMNS website with half of the image in UV light. 2. Traced in colors (DGS). Note the soft tissues.

“The naked eye doesn’t tell enough of the story.”
Eklund reminds us. That’s true, but let’s dive deeper into the story. Sometimes it takes digital graphic segregation (DGS) to help the naked eye focus on every millimeter of the skeleton and ultimately step back to create a reconstruction which can be scored in analysis.

Figure 2. Pterodactylus 2 from the Lauer collection reconstructed from DGS tracings in figure 1. Pterosaur workers have been averse to adopting this method, first emailed to them in 2003.

When Pterodactylus 2 Lauer collection was added
to the large pterosaur tree (LPT, 261 taxa, subset Fig 3) it nested basal to most Pterodactylus specimens. The specimen (Fig 1) is largely articulated and preserves soft tissue. A reconstruction (Fig 2) shows the specimen in repose. The skull preserves a naris separate from the antorbital fenestra, manual digit 5, a wing ungual, a shallow chord wing membrane, a gular sac and faint traces of dorsal extradermal pycnofibers.

Figure 3. Subset of the LPT focusing on Ornithocephalia, the hummingbird-sized ancestors of Pterodactylus, Germanodactylus, Taepara and Pteranodon.

Recent housekeeping
in the LPT (subset Fig 3) removed three taxa known from scrappy skeletal material (now listed in red), and rescored several other taxa first added a decade ago. This resulted in a cladogram with complete resolution, except at one node at the base of the genus Pteranodon where skull-only specimens nest with post-skull-only specimens. The only topology change moved Eopteranodon and kin from the base of Pteranodontidae one node over to the base of the Tapejaridae.

If you note any major topology differences
between the LPT and the much smaller cladograms produced by other pterosaur workers, those are due to taxon exclusion. Other workers refuse to add long lists of Dorygnathus and Scaphognathus taxa. Fifteen years ago Peters 2007 indicated such additions revise cladograms, splitting the traditional clade ‘Pterodactyloidea’ into four convergent pterodactyloid grades. As you can tell from their response, that bit of insight has not been welcome news to those who have been teaching about ‘pterodactyloids’ for the past decade and a half.

This lack of curiosity and testing among pterosaur PhDs
should not be generalized to PhDs in other sciences. Pterosaur workers are a unique clade averse to adding taxa and straying from Benton’s textbook, from which they earn their living.

YouTube video featuring photographer Mick Ecklund

Abel O 1925. On a skeleton of Pterodactylus antiquus from the lithographic shales of Bavaria, with remains of skin and musculature. American Museum Novitates 192: 12 pp.
Peters D 2007. The origin and radiation of the Pterosauria. In D. Hone ed. Flugsaurier. The Wellnhofer pterosaur meeting, 2007, Munich, Germany. p. 27.
Wellnhofer P 1970. Die Pterodactyloidea (Pterosauria) der Oberjura-Plattenkalke Süddeutschlands. Abhandlungen der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, N.F., Munich 141: 1-133.


Ape ankles and toes

Earlier we looked at several ape pedal (= foot) bones
in an effort to understand changes between terrestrial- and arboreal-adapted bauplans with the question: which one of these candidates is closest to humans?

Today this thread continues
with more included taxa, including a second, more gracile Homo sapiens (Fig 1 right column) example showing variation distinct from the original robust one (in the left column).

Some PILs
(parallel interphalangeal lines, Peters 2000a) are shown to assess their flexibility (with continuous PILs) or inflexibility (with discontinuous PILs).

Figure 1. Selection of several ape pedes. Colors added here. Note the variation with the two examples of Homo sapiens. The Australopithecus pes was repaired by moving distal carpal 3 to distal carpal 2 and flipping the centralia so it contacts carpal 3 in accord with the other pedes.

Metatarsal 2 alignment
In the left column mt2 is deeper than mt3. In the right column it is not deeper than mt3 with the possible exception of Gorilla. Alignment permits flexion. Misalignment prevents flexion at the joint series. In all these apes mt2 is deeper than mt1.

Pedal digit 1 axial rotation
Most of the apes (Fig 1) have their ventral side in contact with the substrate. Hylobates and Gorilla are exceptions with digit 1 axially rotated with the ventral side oriented medially. The Homo pes in the left column also shows a bit of axial rotation, not duplicated in the Homo pes in the right column. More importantly, note in Pan and Gorilla, digits 2–4 are exposing their medial surfaces. That’s just another way of achieving the same morphology. In any case, this rotation contributes to a transverse arch in the sole of the foot, distinct from most tetrapods.

Tarsus variation
In most examples (Fig 1) the angle between the astragaulus (green) and centralia (lavender) has a medial vector extending to a medially directed digit 1. Hylobates and Homo have a more anteriorly directed vector running through digit 2.

Tarsus size
In most examples (Fig 1) the tarsus is relatively robust (>40% of the pedal length). In the arboreal Hylobates and Pongo the tarsus is much reduced relative to the digits and metatarsals.

First set of interphalangeal joints
In Pongo and Pan this first PIL extends beyond pedal digit 1. In Gorilla this PIL extends to pedal 2.2. In the other genera this PIL extends to pedal 2.1 or to the base of pedal 2.1 (the metatarsophalangeal joint).

At present
there is no complete Australopithecus foot. The composite shown here (Fig 1) is a best attempt, but it is a chimaera.

Figure 2. Subset of the LRT focusing on primates. Sahelanthropus in situ at right. A traditional primate, Microcebus, the mouse lemur, nests with bats in the LRT.

Not one of these traits, nor a dozen of these traits
will answer which of these taxa are closer to humans. To do that every trait from nose to toe must be considered. That’s what the large reptile tree (LRT, 2082 taxa, subset Fig 2) does. Even so it produces only a hypothesis of interrelationships, subject to change with the addition of new taxa and score corrections. Presently the gibbon lineage leads to humans. The traditional human ancestor, Australopithecus, nests with apes.

Brown P et al 2004. A new small-bodied hominin from the Late Pleistocene of Flores, Indonesia. Nature 431(7012): 1055–1061.
Gierlinski GD et al (8 co-authors) 2017. Possible hominin footprints from the late Miocene (c. 5.7 Ma) of Crete? Proceedings of the Geologists’ Associatiion 128(5–6):697–710.
Peters D 2000a. Description and Interpretation of Interphalangeal Lines in Tetrapods. Ichnos, 7: 11-41.
Peters D 2010. In defence of parallel interphalangeal lines. Historical Biology iFirst article, 2010, 1–6 DOI: 10.1080/08912961003663500


YouTube video on Homo floresiensis