Crown and stem amniote problems: resolved by the LRT

Modesto 2024 discusses
Problems of the interrelationships of crown and stem amniotes. Modesto reports, “The oldest amniotes are Late Carboniferous in age (ca. 318 million years ago), and they are preserved in coal beds and lycopod tree stumps that have yielded rich faunas of temnospondyls, anthracosaurs, and other early tetrapods.”

And there’s the problem. Here’s the solution:

Add taxa. Neither Modesto nor any other academic steeped in basal amniotes recognize Early Carboniferous (Viséan) Silvanerpeton (Fig 2) as the last common ancestor of all extant amniotes in the large reptile tree (LRT, 2312 taxa) – becaue they omit it from cladograms.

A basal amniote doesn’t have to look like a reptile. It just has to reproduce like a reptile, by enclosing embryos in an amnion.

Basal Diadectomorpha

Figure 1. Basal Diadectomorpha [from 2011].

Modesto follows out-dated textbooks when he reports,
“the overall picturegenerated by the early-tetrapod research community agrees that Amniota is a clade (monophyletic group) that is divided into Synapsida on one hand and Reptilia on the other hand;”

The LRT nests Synapsida within Archosauromorpha (by definition) and Amniota is a junior synonym for Reptilia. Modesto and others will find this out when they add pertinent taxa to their cladograms.

Figure 2. Eusauropleura to scale with ancestral and descendant taxa including Eucritta, Utegenia, Silvanerpeton and Gephyrostegus, the last common ancestor of all reptiles.

Figure 2. Eusauropleura to scale with ancestral and descendant taxa including Eucritta, Utegenia, Silvanerpeton and Gephyrostegus, the last common ancestor of all reptiles. (from 2018]

Modesto cites Klembara et al 2021,
who found diadectomorphs are crown amniotes (= reptiles).

The LRT found diadectomorphs (Fig 1) are the sisters of procolophonids on one branch and pareiasaurs + turtles on the other in 2011 and 2013.

Modesto criticized Klembara et al when he wrote,
“Perhaps the greatest weakness in Klembara et al.’s (2021) phylogenetic conclusions is that these authors neglected to include any “microsaurs,” which is surprising in light of numerous previous studies that recover “microsaurs” (with other lepospondyls) closer
to Amniota than to either seymouriamorphs, gephyrostegids, or chroniosuchids.”

The LRT tests all these clades.

Modesto concluded,
“I infer that the researchers were unfamiliar with the literature on early amniotes, resulting in the use of obsolete anatomical information for certain amniote terminal taxa.”

While it is good to hear that at least a few professionals test published studies and matrices, the number one problem affecting paleontology continues to be taxon exclusion.

Don’t let amateurs lead the way. Don’t let amateurs resolve all the issues and enigmas decades before the professionals get around to adding taxa. Build your own LRT before you’re the last one on your block to do so.

Klembara J, Ruta M, Hain M and Berman DS 2021. Braincase and inner
ear anatomy of the Late Carboniferous tetrapod Limnoscelis dynatis (Diadectomorpha)
revealed by high-resolution X-ray microcomputed tomography. Front. Ecol. Evol. 9,
709766. doi:10.3389/fevo.2021.709766
Modest SP 2024. Problems of the interrelationships of crown and stem amniotes. Frontiers Earth Science 12:1155806. doi: 10.3389/feart.2024.1155806

You heard it here in 2011: diadectids are amniotes

Diadectes is not an Amphibian. And Procolophon is a diadectid.

Tested lungfish in the LRT

The systematic and scoring problem with lungfish is
their tendency to split (= tessellate) their cranial bones. That makes identification more difficult. Not impossible, just more difficult.

There is also the issue of the naris,
which does not show a migration to the ventral rim – unless lungfish developed a dual system during the transition from having lateral nares to ventral nares. Related clades document a ventral migration of the in-cuirrent and ex-current nares.

Here are the tested lungfish
(clade Dipnoi) in the LRT and their phylogenetic order (Fig 1).

Figure 1. Dipnoi = lungfish taxa tested by the LRT. Here Devonian Grossius is a basal lungfish, perhaps a last common ancestor. Note the presence of the nares in some taxa and the lack of a nares in others.

Figure 1. Dipnoi = lungfish taxa tested by the LRT. Here Devonian Grossius is a basal lungfish, perhaps a last common ancestor. Note the presence of the nares in some taxa and the lack of a nares in others.

New DGS identities for several skull bones
are applied to some of the above taxa (Fig 1) based on comparative anatomy. These colors are subject to further updates, of course. Data arrives from several sources, from µCT scans to pen and ink diagrams. All the extinct taxa are from the Devonian. The rest are extant. Nothing here in-between.

Boulenger GA 1900. A list of the batrachians and reptiles of the Gaboon (French Congo), with descriptions of new genera and species. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1900: 433–456.
Campbell KSW 1965. An almost complete skull roof and plate of the dipnoan Dipnorhynchus sussmilchi (Etheridge). Palaeontology 8 : 634-637.
Claeson KM, Bemis WE and Hagadorn JW 2007. New interpretations of the skull of a primitive bony fish Erpetoichthys calabaricus (Actinopterygii: Cladistia). Journal of Morphology 268:1021–1039.
Criswell KE 2015. The comparative osteology and phylogenetic relationships of African and South American lungfishes (Sarcopterygii: Dipnoi). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 174, 801-858.
Cuvier G 1829. Le Règne Animal.
Denison RH 1968. Early Devonian lungfishes from Wyoming, Utah and Idaho. Fieldiana, Geology 17:353–413.
Etheridge R 1906. The cranial buckler of a Dipnoan fish, probably Ganorhynchus, from the Devonian Beds of the Murrumbidgee River, New South Wales. Records of the Australian Museum 6(3):129–132.
Giles S, Friedman M and Brazeau MD 2015. Osteichthyan-like conditions in an Early Devonian stem gnathostome. Nature 520(7545):82–85.
Geoffry Saint-Hillaire E 1802. Description d’un nouveau genre de poisson, de l’ordre des abdominaux. Bull. Sci. Soc. Philom., Paris, 3(61):97-98.
Kreft (Krefft) JLG 1870. A short guide to the Australian fossil remains in the Australian Museum.
Long JA 1992. Cranial anatomy of two new Late Devonian lungfishes (Pisces: Dipnoi) from Mount Howitt, Victoria. Records of the Australian Museum 44:299-318.
Romer AS 1946. The early evolution of fishes, Quarterly Review of Biology 21: 33-69.
Sedgwick A and Murchison RI 1828. Trans. Geol. Soc. London 2(3):143.
Smith JA 1865. Notice of a new genus of ganoid fish allied to Polypterus, from Old Calabar. Proc R Soc Edinburgh 3:273–278.
Thomson KS and Campbell KSW 1971. The Structure and Relationships of the Primitive Devonian Lungfish, Dipnorhynchus sussmilchi (Etheridge). Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History. (38):109pp.
Thomson KS, Sutton M and Thomas B 2004. A larval Devonian lungfish. Nature 426(6968):833-834.



Basal Amiiformes in the LRT

The bowfin, Amia, usually nests alone
or with unrelated taxa (e.g. Polypterus) in traditional fish phylogenies.

Not here, in the LRT, where Amia has a long list of descendants. These examples (Fig 1) are toothy. long-bodied predators originating in fresh waters then transitioning to marine environs. Some labels have changed from the days of Gregory 1933 based on comparative anatomy shown here in standard DGS colors.

Figure 1. Amia and its phylogenetic descendants in the LRT.

Figure 1. Amia and its phylogenetic descendants in the LRT. Note the change of labels in Esox in Tylosurus where the postorbital (amber) extends further anterior to the orbit and the former palatine is re-identified as a lacrimal (tan). Note the splitting of the supratemporals (green) in Esox creating a ‘scale bone’. These changes have not come easy, but become apparent in charts of comparative anatomy like this one.

Amia looks different
and was classified as different because it is so primitive. Of course, every taxon in the LRT is related, more or less, to every other taxon, even Amia.

Amia calva
(Linneaus 1766; up to 70cm in length) is the extant bowfin, a basal fish able to breathe both water and air. Hatchlings look like tadpoles. Deep lips rim the long teeth. Females produce 2000 to 5000 eggs. Fossil relatives of Amia have a worldwide distribution in fresh and salt waters.

Gregory WK 1933. Fish skulls. A study of the evolution of natural mechanisms. American Philosophical Society 23(2) 1–481.
Linneaus C von 1766.
Sysema naturæ per regna tria naturæ, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Tomus I. Editio duodecima, reformata. pp. 1–532. Holmiæ. (Salvius) .


Brocklehurst and Field 2024 attempt to date the radiation of extant birds

Apologies. I see that WordPress paragraph spacing code is not operating today.
Brocklehurst and Field 2024 report,
“Only the fossil record can provide direct evidence of the earliest stages of crown bird evolutionary history. However, considering the ongoing scarcity of this direct evidence, improved inferences based on models of molecular and morphological evolution are necessary to shed light on the Mesozoic origins of crown birds.”
The authors’ set-up is correct. Their conclusion is not. The last common ancestor of crown birds in the fossil record would be the direct evidence the authors are seeking, but they put no effort into that search. Instead they took a detour and relied on less-preferred, indirect methods: tip dating and Bayes factors.
A last common ancestor is nothing more than a single taxon at the base of a clade. Any cladogram will provide that. More taxa provide greater resolution and confidence.
Brocklehurst and Field report,
“Our analysis of morphological data including both extant and extinct taxa (including a broad sample of neornithine and non-crown avialan lineages) rejects an origin of crown birds occurring deep in the Early Cretaceous. It also rejects the scenario at the opposite extreme: an origin of crown birds occurring less than 10 Myr before the end of the Cretaceous Period. Instead, the pattern of diversification best supported by the morphological data is one where neornithines originate between the Early and Late Cretaceous.”
Figure 1. Toothless Early Cretaceous Archaeorhynchus is the last common ancestor of all extant birds in the LRT.

Figure 1. Toothless Early Cretaceous Archaeorhynchus is the last common ancestor of all extant birds in the LRT.

Taxon exclusion
(= omitting the last common ancestor) mar this study in several ways.
Galloanserae is a genomic clade accepted by these authors, and many others, but not recovered by trait analysis (the LRT). Ducks and geese share few to no unique traits with chickens and pheasants.
Trait analysis places Late Cretaceous Asteriornis with geese, a highly derived avian clade, and Latest Cretaceous Vegavis with kiwis, snipes and other basal avians. Patagopteryx is a tiny Mesozoic ostrich not mentioned in the text. Paleocene penguins, another highly derived avian clade not mentioned in the text, by themselves indicate a wide gamut of bird survival spanning the asteroid event.
The last common ancestor of all extant birds in trait analysis (the LRT) is Early Cretaceous (Yixian Formation) Archaeorhynchus [Fig 1]. This is the direct evidence of the earliest stages of crown bird evolutionary history” the authors considered ideal, but unattainable. Turns out they did not even try. Archaeorhynchus is not mentioned in their text. Taxon exclusion remains the number one problem in paleontology in 2024. Trusting deep time genomes remains the number two problem.
Cladogram and data links here:
Brocklehurst N and Field DJ 2024. Tip dating and Bayes factors provide insight into the divergences of crown bird clades across the end-Cretaceous mass extinction. Proc. R. Soc. B 291: 20232618.

Late Jurassic Hybodus seems to have extant relatives in the LRT

Today’s experiment had its genesis
when the odd hole in the snout of Hybodus basanus (Figs 1, 2) made me wonder if a fragile, overhanging rostrum had been lost or knocked off prior to study and publication. With a new, restored (= imagined) rostrum this taxon was re-scored in the LRT.

Figure 1. Hybodus basanus. DGS colors and a ?missing rostrum added here.

Figure 1. Hybodus basanus. DGS colors and a possible ?missing rostrum” added here.

Perhaps not surprisingly, given its new appearance,
Jurassic Hybodus basanus (skull data only) nested with extant Carcharodon (dorsal skull view not yet scored while awaiting data). In other words, with the present character list, the two resemble one another more than competing taxa.

FIgure 1. Carcharodon, Isurus and Hylobates basanus compared.

Figure 2. Carcharodon, Isurus and Hylobates basanus compared.

For the next experiment, a related taxon,
Hybodus fraasi (= Egertonodus fraasi, Fig 3), was also updated based on an extant Bauplan.

Figure 1. Alopias, the extant thresher shark, is much larger than it s

Perhaps not surprisingly,
Hybodus fraasi nested with extant Alopias, the extant thresher shark (Figs 2, 3). The two resemble one another more than competing tested taxa. Turns out those large dorsal spines on Hybodus (Fig 3) are not that important in the LRT. A hyperelongate caudal fin is not a character that is scored in the LRT. So that resemblance is a bonus that doesn’t count.

Figure 3. The skull of the thresher shark, Alopias, in two views. DGS colors added here.

Figure 3. The skull of the thresher shark, Alopias, in two views. DGS colors added here.

From Maisey 1986,
The skeletal anatomy of Hybodus fraasi, an Upper Jurassic hybodontid shark from Solnhofen, has been reinvestigated. Its cranial anatomy is very similar to that of H. basanus, a Lower Cretaceous species, and both taxa share certain features not so far identified in Lower Jurassic hybodontids. Previous interpretation of the pectoral fin morphology is shown to be incorrect, and instead the pectorals of H. fraasi conform to a pattern that is apparently conservative for hybodontids. Dermal denticles from various regions of the body, together with special lateral line scales and teeth, are subjected to SEM investigation. The shagreen consists only of nongrowing denticles.”

At this stage
it appears that these two Hybodus species (Figs 1–3) were basal to two large extant sharks. The headline above says, ‘seems to have’. All hypotheses introduced here should be considered as hypotheses, awaiting confirmation, refutation or modification. Changes, to date, number around a million. So mistakes can happen. They just have to be recognized.

Phylogeny is interesting
because your cladogram can teach you to see taxa in new ways, if you let it. Some of those ways can take you down the wrong path (based on personal experience), so keep testing until all the square pegs fit tightly into all the square holes of your current hypothesis.

And don’t be afraid to restore parts that appear to be missing.

Brown C 1900. Ueber das Genus Hybodus und seine systematische Stellung. Palaeontographica, 46, 149–174.
Maisey JG 1986. Anatomical revision of the fossil shark Hybodus fraasi (Chondrichthyes: Elasmobranchii). Novitates 2857:1–16.


New bird genomic study, Stiller et al 2024, fails too often

Stiller et al 2024 reported,
Despite tremendous efforts in the past decades, relationships among main avian lineages remain heavily debated without a clear resolution.”

Correction: the LRT provides clear resolution and includes fossil taxa.

That’s because
only trait analysesm like the LRT, incorporate fossils and recovers tenable, measurable interrelationships. This one, another genomic test, continues to nest chickens with ducks. This marks this study as a total waste of time for the 52 co-authors So far, no deep time genomic analysis for any vertebrate clade has recovered tenable results. This one also nested grebes with flamingos with doves + cuckoos nearby. The authors also recovered a clade ‘Afroaves‘ (owls + toucans). None of these are tenable on the face of it.

Rather than going back to the drawing board, or testing vs traits, these authors published their results in Nature. And referees accepted this. Deep time studies based on DNA have been corrupted by natural influences over time. Gene studies should recover cladograms similar to trait studies, but they can only do that in subsets and segments. Too often they shuffle together dissimilar taxa, making them fodder for Creationists to attack evolution… and for good reason!

The problem is
sometimes genomics gets it right. Unfortunately, too often genomics gets things wrong. Use traits. They are testable, measurable and ultimately unassailable. If an amateur figured this out seven years ago, the academic community is now the culprit spreading misinformation and myth.

Trust genes to find errant fathers and hiding criminals. Don’t trust genes to separate chickens and ducks.

Figure 1. Cladogram from Stiller et al 2024. Some bird interrelationships are correct here. The others are untenable.

Figure 1. Cladogram from Stiller et al 2024. Some bird interrelationships are correct here. The others are untenable.

the large reptile tree (LRT, 2312 taxa) bird ancestors go back to Cambrian worms and fish. All tested bird taxa look like each other. They have to, because this is a trait-based analysis. Here flamingos (Phoenicopterus) nest with similar seriemas, not with dissimilar grebes.

Stiller et al (51 co-auithors) 2024. Complexity of avian evolution revealed by family-level genomes. Nature online PDF

Molecules vs. morphology in bird phylogeny: Prum et al. 2015 part 3


Padian 2024 pays homage to Ostrom 1974

Padian 2024
celebrated the 50th anniiversary of John Ostrom’s publication(s) of 1974a, b, c that focused on the then contentious ancestry of birds. In hindsight, the ancestry of birds seems obvious (Fig 1), but that was then. That was fifty years ago. It was even obvious to Huxley 1868 after seeing Archaeopteryx and Compsognathus. Paleontology, as a science, moves at a snail’s pace.

Professor Ostrom was Padian’s PhD advisor when he attended Yale University.

Specifically Padian focused on,
“A landmark 1974 paper [Ostrom 1974a] reset the debate to focus on the evolution of the flight stroke instead.”

You’ll notice, as you age and gain experience,
that paleontologists like to talk about and write about ‘the old days’ when speculation ran wild. And about minutia, like the flight stroke. They do this rather than putting effort into building cladograms that consider all candidates, that nest all enigmas and resolve all taxonomic issues.

Instead, paleontologists too often set up a ‘strawman‘. Here’s one example:

See if you can spot the key omission as Padian sets up his own straw man,
“Birds had to have come from forerunners, which had always been assumed to be reptiles rather than mammals. But the fossil record was incomplete between some major adaptive transitions (such as from ground- or tree-dwelling reptiles to flying birds), and potentially ancestral fossil reptile groups always seemed to have some but not all of the expected ancestral features, or to have them in the wrong combinations.”

Did you think of any of the dozen or so Solnhofen birds (= Archaeopteryx, Fig 1) that somehow were overlooked in this paragraph? Overlooking the obvious is, unfortunately, all too common in paleontology. Taxon exclusion is also pervasive. When Padian wrote, ‘the fossil record was incomplete,’ he was ignoring the transitional taxa that linked birds to theropods ever since Huxley 1868, This is what they do: ‘setting up a straw man.’

Figure 1. Known from over a century prior to Sinosauropteryx, Early Jurassic, apparently the feathers of this specimen of Archaeopteryx were not sufficient evidence for feathers on dinosaurs according to Padian and other workers. This is the sort of attitude you can expect to fight against if you decide to enter the science of paleontology.

Figure 1. Known from over a century prior to Sinosauropteryx, Early Jurassic, apparently the feathers of this specimen of Archaeopteryx were not sufficient evidence for feathers on dinosaurs according to Padian and other workers. This is the sort of attitude you can expect to fight against if you decide to enter the science of paleontology.

re: ‘the old days’ Padian wrote,
“The default hypothesis was that birds evolved from a poorly defined group of creatures called thecodonts (a ragtag bunch related variably to crocodiles or dinosaurs), from a crocodile lineage or possibly from dinosaurs (ornithischians or saurischians).”

Again, omitting the obvious: Archaeopteryx (Fig 1).

Figure 2. Ostrom's insect-net hypothesis illustrated.

Figure 2. Ostrom’s insect-net hypothesis illustrated. This was not well received, according to Padian 2024.

Ostrom envisioned an insect trap
for the origin of larger and larger manus feathers on small theropod dinosaurs (Fig 2). As Padian noted, “Ostrom’s ‘insect net’ hypothesis was not well received.” largely because birds don’t do that with their wings and feathers.

Padian mentioned Dial’s 2003 work
with juvenile birds running up tree trunks. That study was widely accepted because it dealt with small prevolant birds (aka juvenile theropod dinosaurs) using their feathers and rapid flapping to survive and thrive.

Padian 2024 concluded,
“This {Dial’s studies of prevolant birds] unquestionably shows a crucial early adaptation of feathers, and rules out the idea that proto-birds must have climbed trees using their hand claws. But the problem has never really been ground up versus trees down: it has been about the evolution of the flight stroke, which can now be seen as having helped proto-birds to escape from terrestrial predators. Ostrom reset this debate in 1974, and its
implications continue to resound.”

Padian still has great affection and respect for his PhD advisor. We all do. But the flight stroke of birds never involved an attempt at netting insects in front of the rostrum (Fig 2). It didn’t happen because it can’t happen. Padian’s celebration of the Ostrom 1974 paper that promoted this hypothesis is not a great idea. Worse yet for the spin Padian put on it. Creationists jumped all over Padian’s sincere, but ill-considered homage.

It is no surprise that Ostrom’s illustration (Fig 2) did not appear in Padian’s 2024 homage. Dial’s illustration of running, flapping pre-volant birds appeared instead.

In 1975 Ostrom reported,
“dinosaurs were not like modern reptiles.” In this statement Ostrom was focused on the endothermy  vs. endothermy debate. Ostrom’s work at that time argued for the possibility of dinosaur endothermy. His opponent in this debate, Feduccia 1973, argued against that possibility.

Ostrom 1974c wrote,
“He [Feducia] continues with the true, but totally irrelevant conclusion that the converse argument does not hold-Le., that animals which do not have erect posture should not
be capable of muscular thermogenesis sufficient to maintain an endothermic regulatory system, and he cites such endothermic “sprawlers” as cetaceans, pinnepeds, dugong, echidna, moles and the brooding python. Of course an endotherm may be adapted for a sprawling existence with non-erect posture.”

This was the core of the birds are dinosaurs debate back then, not the flight stroke, which was a bit of a detour, perhaps more important to Padian than to Ostrom.

Ostrom 1974c continued,
“The critical question that Feduccia carefully avoids in his 1973 paper is – can erect posture be achieved by an ectotherm? or is the variable, externally affected physiology of an ectotherm so unstable and incapable of long-term sustained activity that the transition from a sprawling to an erect carriage cannot be achieved? In his present paper (1974), even Feduccia claims that endothermy preceded erect posture in mammals. It is not clear to me why this same sequence cannot be true of dinosaurs also.”

Well said, Dr Ostrom.

To Padian’s point:
Now we know the origin of the flight stroke in birds and pterosaurs arises from a locked down, elongate set of coracoids. In bats a locked down, elongate set of clavicles serves the same purpose: raising the pectoral limbs and ensuring they move symmetrically – the opposite of traditional tetrapod pectoral limb movement. This innovation (flapping prior to flying for various reasons) seems to be overlooked by most workers, but embraced by Dial’s studies. You’ll see more gliding Archaeopteryx videos than flapping videos.

All this gets us back to the origin of turtles, whales, bats and pterosaurs.
Ostrom 1974c wrote, “Divergent interpretations should be debated, for it is by this means that we have the best hope of approximating the truth-especially when the question at issue is beyond proof.”

With that in mind, and inspired by Padian 2024,
I wrote to Chris Bennett and Kevin Padian via email, hoping for a kumbaya moment. Here is the body of the text:

“Decades ago, at one of the first pterosaur symposia, I remember you two insisting that phylogenetic analysis was the key to understanding taxonomic interrelationships. That was just a few years after the introduction of software (MacClade and PAUP)  to make that happen in a repeatable and testable manner. It was a ‘hot topic’ back then.
“In one of my first papers (Peters 2000) I added taxa to three earlier studies. You might remember that results pulled pterosaurs away from archosaurs and dinosaurs and towards the newly added taxa: Sharovipteryx, Longisquama, Cosesaurus, Langobardisaurus and the tanystropheids (which share nearly identical feet with that odd metapodial fifth toe, among a long list of other traits). Apparently no one saw that coming and no one ‘believes’ it to this day.
“Even so, and since then, adding taxa to a growing online cladogram, the large reptile tree (LRT, 2300+ taxa) at has clarified interrelationships in taxa from Cambrian fish to bats and whales.
“Thank you for guidance and insistence. The process of discovery has been fascinating.
“This note to you both was inspired by Kevin’s recent Nature article on the 50th anniversary of Ostrom 1974.
“According to the Hartford Courant (2000), “In 1973, Ostrom broke from the scientific mainstream by reviving a Victorian-era hypothesis (see above) that his colleagues considered far-fetched: Birds, he said, evolved from dinosaurs. And he spent the rest of his career trying to prove it.” With the announcement of the first dinosaurs with feathers from China, Ostrom (then age 73) was in no mood to celebrate. He is quoted as saying, ““I’ve been saying the same damn thing since 1973, `I said, `Look at Archaeopteryx!’” Ostrom was the first scientist to collect physical evidence for the theory. Ostrom provoked a debate that raged for decades. “At first they said, `Oh John, you’re crazy,”’ Ostrom said in 1999.”
“The fact that Ostrom’s ‘far-fetched’ idea took awhile to percolate into the minds of his colleagues continues to give me hope that someday the same will be confirmed, refuted or modified for pterosaur origins. In other words, I will be happy if someone finds a closer relationship to taxa other than those listed above – if they examine the fossils firsthand and run analyses, as you two insisted I do so many years ago.
“Thank you, again, and best regards,”
It’s been several days. I’ll let you know what they each say when they write back
–  if they ever reply.

Dial KP 2003.
Wing-assisted incline running and the evolution of flight. Science 299, 402–404.
Feuccia A 1973.
Dinosaurs as reptiles. Evolution 27:166–169.
Heers AM, Baier DB, Jackson BE and Dial  KP 2016. Flapping before Flight: High Resolution, Three-Dimensional Skeletal Kinematics of Wings and Legs during Avian Development. PLoS ONE 11(4): e0153446. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0153446
http: //
Huxley TH 1868. On the Animals which are most nearly intermediate between Birds and the Reptiles. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 4(2): 66-75.
Ostrom JH 1969. Osteology of Deinonychus antirrhopus, an unusual theropod from the Lower Cretaceous of Montana. Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History. 30.
Ostrom JH 1970. Stratigraphy and paleontology of the Cloverly Formation (Lower Cretaceous) of the Bighorn Basin area, Wyoming and Montana. Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History. 35: 1–234.
Ostrom JH 1973. The ancestry of birds. Nature 242: 136.
Ostrom JH 1974a. Archaeopteryx and the origin of flight. Quarterly Review of Biology 49:27–47.
Ostrom JH 1974b. On the origin of Archaeopteryx and the ancestry of birds. Proceedings of the Cent. Nat. Recherche Sci.
Ostrom JH 1974c. Reply to Dinosaurs as reptiles. Evolution27 (1): 166-169.
Ostrom JH 1975. The Origin of Birds. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences. 3 (1): 55–77.
Ostrom JH 1976. Archaeopteryx and the origin of birds. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 8 (2): 91–182.
Padian K and Chiappe LM 1998. The origin of birds and their flight. Scientific American 278(2):38–47.
Padian K 2023. 25th anniversary of the first known feathered dinosaurs. Nature (News and Views) 613, 251-252. doi:
Padian K 2024. 50 years after a landmark paper on bird-flight origins. Nature 627:738–740.


Anableps, the four-eyed fish, revised

Some fish in the LRT continue to be revised,
hopefully this time for the last time.

the extant four-eyed fish, Anableps (Fig 1), dons new DGS colors that ally it more closely with Jurassic Leptolepis and extant Danio (Fig 1), the zebrafish. These two small fish with large eyes are now closer matches to Anableps despite its lower, wider skull with elevated orbits.

Figure 1. Leptolepis, Danio and Anableps compared, not to scale.

Figure 1. Leptolepis, Danio and Anableps compared, not to scale.

The nesting of Anableps
with Danio in the Cypriniformes (= carp) follows traditions and textbooks. This time I was the last to know. That low, wide skull and dorsal eye socket in Anableps are not commonly found in other carp, but are more common among gobies, like Glossogobius.

Anableps tetrophthalmus
(originaly Cobitis anableps Linnaeus 1758, Scopolis 1777; Michel et al. 2015; 32 cm) is the extant four-eyed fish (aka: cuatro ojos), a surface predator of insects falling into Amazonian fresh waters or shallow shores where Anableps beach themselves to eat them. The underslung jaw enables this behavior. Traditionally and here Anableps is a member of the pupfish (guppy, killifish, topminnow) family. Internal fertilization (with a modified tubular anal fin) leads to live birth (viviparity) of up to 14 young.

Linnaeus C 1758. Systema naturæ per regna tria naturæ, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Tomus I. Editio decima, reformata.
Michel KB, Aerts P, Gibb AC and Van Wassenberg S 2015. Functional morphology and kinematics of terrestrial feeding in the largescale foureyes (Anableps anableps). Journal of Experimental Biology (2015) 218, 2951-2960 doi:10.1242/jeb.124644
Scopoli GA 1777. Introductio ad historiam naturalem sistens genera lapidum, plantarum, et animalium. Wolfgang Gerle, Pragae 3-506.


Another tiny hingemouth relative: Early Cretaceous Santanichthys

Short one today
as the graphics (Fig 1) tell the tale recovered by the LRT.

Figure 1. Tiny Early Cretaceous Santanichthys enters the pool of relatives for the very strange hingemouth, Phractolaemus.

Figure 1. Tiny Early Cretaceous Santanichthys enters the pool of relatives for the very strange hingemouth, Phractolaemus. Over time the big heads of the Mesozoic ancestors evolved smaller in the extant hingemouth.

tiny Middle Triassic Marcopoloichthys (Fig 1) also nested with the hingemouth, Phractolaemus.

According to Wikipedia,
“The hingemouth (Phractolaemus ansorgii) is a small freshwater fish that is found only in west central Africa, the sole member of the subfamily Phractolaeminae of the family Kneriidae. The mouth can extend like a small trunk, thus the name, and has just two teeth, both in the lower jaw.”

Santanichthys diasii 
(Silva Santos 1958; Filleleul and Maisey 2004; Early Cretaceous; 3cm; DGM-DNPM 647P) was a tiny Santana Formation fish considered the oldest characiform and otophysan. Here it nests with Spinocaudichthys. It is the earliest appearance of a Weberian apparatus, a sound amplifier that connects the swim bladder to the auditory system. Note the extremely deep mandible. In the LRT these taxa nest with sea horses and flying fish, among others.

A solution to the Phractolaemus (hingemouth fish) problem

Boulenger GA 1901. Diagnoses of new fishes discovered by Mr. W. L. S. Loat in the Nile. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Including Zoology, Botany and Geology, Being a Continuation of the ‘Magazine of Botany and Zoology’, and of Louden and Charlesworth’s ‘Magazine of Natural History’, Series 7 8: 444-446.
Grande T and Poyato-Ariza FJ 1999. Phylogenetic relationships of fossil and Recent gonorynchiform fishes (Teleostei: Ostariophysi). Zoological Jounial of the Linnean Society (1999), 125: 197-238.
Poyato-Ariza FJ, Grande T and Diogo R 2010. Gonorynchiform Interrelationships: Historic Overview, Analysis, and Revised Systematics of the Group.In: Grande, T., F. Poyato-Ariza & R. Diogo (eds.), Gonorynchiformes and ostariophysan relationships – a comprehensive review, Science Publishers and Taylor & Francis (Oxford, UK): 221-231.
Silva Santos R 1995. Santanichthys, novo epiteto generico para Leptolepis diasii Silva Santos, 1958 (Pisces, Teleostei) da Formacao Santana (Aptiano), Bacia do Araripe, NE do Brasil. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias 67:249–258.
